
“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” – Leonardo da Vinci


“I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love.” – James Herriot, British veterinarian and writer

Bob: No Ordinary Cat
Bowen, James. Bob: No Ordinary Cat. London: Hodder, 2013.
James, a young homeless man, is befriended by a ginger cat who changes his life, giving him hope, courage and determination.  An easy-to-read heart-warming true story for readers 11 years old and up.  Fans might also like to follow the two online on James’s Twitter account. [Cats; Homelessness; London; Street musicians]
“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.” – Mark Twain, American author
Two Bobbies
Larson, Kirby and Mary Nethery. Two Bobbies: a True Story of Hurricane Katrina, Friendship, and Survival.  New York: Walker & Co., 2008.
Bobbi and Bob Cat survive by staying together after Hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans in this picture book for readers 8 to 11 years old. [Cats; Dogs; Hurricane Katrina, 2005; New Orleans; Survival]
“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats…” – Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian
 More stories about cats: HERE
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