A Hijacked Future World

Imagine a world…
where it is unsafe to walk to school,
unsafe to leave your home without armed guards.

Imagine a world…
where children are implanted with transmitters,
so they can be found if kidnapped.


Bloor, Edward. Taken. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
In 2036, wealthy Americans live behind security gates in fear of being kidnapped, and transmitters are surgically implanted into their children so they can be found if kidnapped. Armed guards escort their children to and from school. Thirteen-year-old Charity tries to follow the survival strategies she has been taught when she is snatched from her home in the middle of the night. An engrossing novel for readers 12-years-old and up. [Fathers and daughters; Florida; Kidnapping; Poverty; Science fiction]

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