The Puffin Keeper

Morpurgo, Michael. The Puffin Keeper. Toronto: Puffin Canada, 2020.
After a shipwreck at sea, Allen and his mother are rescued by a lighthouse keeper who bravely rows out to rescue the passengers. Years pass. But Allen never forgets Benjamin Postlethwaite, the man who saved him from drowning. When he grows old enough, he goes back to visit and stays for months, painting pictures and rescuing puffins until he is called up to serve in World War II. After the war, he returns and makes his home on the islands with his wife and children. 
This 91-page novel by a master storyteller – written from the first person point of view – flows so smoothly and quietly it feels like it must be a true story. Highly recommended for adults who appreciate outstanding writing and for children 9 to 11 years old.

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