Are you a reader?

Are you building good habits?

A = an avid reader and writer

– takes out as many library books as possible every week and visits the library at noon hour if absent during the weekly library class
– reads at least one novel per week
– reads at least one nonfiction book per week and memorizes some of the information
– browses through nonfiction books related to topics being studied in class and memorizes some of the information
– reads picture books for fun and to expand general knowledge
– reads at school every day, carrying a book along all the time in case there are a few minutes to read
– reads at home for at least an hour per day
– spends time revising assignments to improve accuracy and style
– quickly rewrites any assignment that earns less than top marks
– looks for opportunities to do extra research and literary projects
– eagerly and thoughtfully participates in class lessons and discussions

B = a highly skilled reader and writer

– takes out as many library books as possible every week and visits the library at noon hour if absent during the weekly library class
– reads one or more novels every week
– browses through at least one nonfiction book per week and memorizes some of the information
– looks at nonfiction books related to topics being studied in class and memorizes some of the information
– reads picture books for fun and to expand literary knowledge  as often as possible
– uses every opportunity possible to pick up a book and read at school
– reads at home every day for at least 45 minutes and would read more if other activities did not take up so much time
– spends time revising assignments to improve accuracy and style
– quickly rewrites any assignment that earns less than excellent marks
– frequently and voluntarily participates in class lessons and discussions

C+ = a competent reader and writer

– takes out as many library books as required every week but leaves most of them in the school locker
– reads an easy-to-read novel every week or part of a longer novel
– browses through nonfiction books if given time in class to do so
– reads picture books if given time in class to do so
– reads at home for about 30 minutes a day
– likes reading but usually prefers other activities outside of school time
– rewrites any assignments that earn less that good marks
– ask questions if unsure about how to properly complete assignments
– willingly stays after school for extra help or practice
– willingly participates in class lessons and discussions

C = a functional reader and writer

– takes out a few library books every week but generally leaves them in the school locker
– brings a book to class and reads when told to do so
– reads at home if required to do so
– browses through nonfiction books and reads picture books if required to do so
– doesn’t mind reading but doesn’t voluntarily read outside of school time
– is willing to take the time to complete assignments to a satisfactory level but does not rewrite assignments
– asks questions if unsure about how to properly complete assignments but avoids staying after school
– participates in class lessons and discussions only if called upon to speak

C- = a reluctant reader and writer

– avoids borrowing library books or frequently forgets library books at home
– generally does not bring a book to class for reading time
– opens a book in class if required to read, but generally grabs a book at random and does not finish it
– dislikes reading and avoids it as much as possible
– does as little as possible on assignments
– frequently hands assignments in late and may need many reminders
– avoids participating in class lessons and discussions and finds reasons not to stay after school for help

Learn secrets of avid readers: HERE

To learn how to raise a reader, read…
Cunningham, Anne E. Book Smart: How to Develop and Support Successful, Motivated Readers. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Sullivan, Michael. Raising Boy Readers. Chicago: Huron Street Press, 2014.

This page may be copied for use by schools if the following credit is provided:  ©2014 Sophie Rosen


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