
Listen to Tony Buzan talk about mindmapping: HERE

1. Start in the centre of your paper.
2. Draw an image or design around the title in the middle.
3. Use curved lines.
4. Generally use only one word per line.
5. Make lines the same length as your words.
6. Make lines thinner as they branch out.
7. Use colour.
8. Use many coloured drawings to illustrate the words
9. Make connections between different branches.
10. Enjoy!


A. Content

  • 1 . accurate information
  • 2. information indicates how ideas or facts are connected to each other
  • 3. sufficient information
  • 4. relevant illustrations
  • 5. bibiliographic entry showing source of information

B. Format

  • 1. title and subheadings
  • 2. details flowing from subheadings
  • 3. colour-coding
  • 4. curved lines
  • 5. usually only one word per line
  • 6. lines only the length of the words
  • 7. lines that become thinner as they flow outwards
  • 8. coloured illustrations
  • 9. accurate spelling
  • 10. bibliographic entry in correct format

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Mindmap Rubric

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