
Part 1: Globalization

Textbook assignment:  Globalization

Answer key: Globalization Answer Key

Part 2: Global Trade: Advantages and Disadvantages

A. Fill in the blanks:
1. A __________________ is a person who belongs to a country. A Canadian is a  _____________ of Canada.
2. Your _____________ are the things that is is fair for you to have. Your _____________ are the things that are fair for you to do.  It is your _____________ to go to school. It is your _____________ to be safe.
3. Your __________________ are the things you should do. You should do them to be fair to others.
4. The ______________________ is a group of 185 countries. It helps countries solve arguments.
It help stop wars.
5. The __________________________________ is a list of all the things you should be able to do. It is a list of all the things you should have.

Word Bank
responsibilities        United Nations        
    citizen                citizen
    rights                rights            rights
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights

B. Define these terms:
1. global – _________ – wide
2. trade – exchanging goods or money with ___________________
3. transnational – working in more than _______ country
4. labour force – a group of __________ hired to do a _______
5. corporation – a very large _________ or group of ____________

C. Think:
1. Why do companies like to do business in more than one country?
a. they want to buy resources such as trees and cotton and oil where it is the ___________________
b. they want to make things in factories where wages are the _______________
c. they want to sell their products where they get the _____________ price
2. Where do most of the corporations have their headquarters?
In the wealthier nations of the ___________ Hemisphere, especially in the _________ States of _____________
3. What is good about this system of global trade?
a. countries can sell their ____________ such as trees and make some ___________
b. countries can have jobs for their poor __________ so they can earn a little bit of money
c. the owners of the corporations make lots of ___________
4. What is bad about this system?
a. some countries sell all their resources and after awhile they _________ have any left
b. some people are very ________ and work in _______ conditions because the corporations want to make so much __________
c. the rich corporations can take _____________ of poor people


D. Talk to two adults and get their opinions on global trade.
1. Get out two pieces of unlined paper.
2. Make the two titles below and write each one on a separate piece of paper: GLOBAL TRADE CAN BE GOOD; GLOBAL TRADE CAN BE BAD.
3. Copy the descriptors below onto the correct piece of paper
     Add coloured illustrations.

– provides jobs to people who have none
– provides a market to sell natural resources
– encourages people of different cultures to communicate and get to know each other
– communication can bring understanding
– understanding can bring compassion
– corporations can make more money
– natural resources can be all used up and the country has no other way of making any money
– children may have to work for low wages and not get an education
– people in rich nations can get used to foreign products for low wages
– farmers in richer nations can’t sell their goods for a reasonable price because the people  want them for a low cost like they  pay for goods from poor, foreign countries
– people can start to think that having more power mean they have the right to treat people unfairly
– people are able to eat fresh food that is not in season because it can be imported
– people can get clothing for less money than if it was made in their own country
– small business owners in the North can’t compete with the large corporations that get their products made in poorer nations
– can encourage wastefulness because people are used to paying little for things and so don’t treat them carefully
– people get to eat exotic foods they otherwise would never taste
– people may start to think about how everyone on earth is  connected and that we should all care for each other

Based on the text Outlooks 6: Global Citzens  by Sharon Sterling (Oxford, 2000).

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