Sequencing in Essays


Learn how an essay is organized and sequenced.
Watch for cue words that show the structure.
Sequence the essays on this page:

1. Cut one section apart at a time.
2. Correctly sequence the sentences and glue them onto paper.
3. Continue doing each section until you are finished.

First paragraph:

I strongly support P.E. classes!

Secondly, it models healthy behaviour.

Firstly, it provides students with a way to burn off excess energy.

Thirdly, it provides an opportunity for students to develop non-academic skills.

P.E. is a vital component in middle school education.


Second paragraph:

Adolescents are rapidly growing and often find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time.

First of all, P.E. provides students with a way to burn off excess energy.

Playing games and participating in teamwork enables them to use up their physical and vocal energy in an acceptable and healthy way.

Furthermore, they enjoy socializing and working in groups with their friends.

Third paragraph:

Adults all around us are saying we should spend less time in front of televisions and computers.

This leads to the second reason I support P.E. in middle schools: it models healthy behaviour.

We hear news articles that say children nowadays are becoming increasingly unfit and prone to obesity and diabetes due to insufficient exercise.

We hear them saying that kids should get out and play more like in the “olden days”.

Well, P.E. in school is a way to encourage us to get more exercise.

Softball and volleyball, for instance, are games that many adults play for fun.

Where did they learn them?

Not only does it ensure we are active for ninety minutes per week, it also teaches us games we might play for the rest of our lives.

In school, during P.E. classes.


Fourth paragraph:

Sometimes, students who find reading and math hard, don’t enjoy going to school because they never get to do what they’re good at.

The third reason I favour P.E. is that it gives students a way to develop non-academic skills.

P.E. can give them a chance to be good at something.

P.E. classes help more students feel like they belong.

It furthermore shows them that schools value a wide variety of skills.


Fifth paragraph:

I support P.E. in middle schools.

In conclusion, Physical Education is an eagerly anticipated class in middle schools.

It gives students a way to use up extra energy so they can settle down to reading and math.

It lets students show a variety of skills and talents.

It promotes healthy behaviour.

Now try sequencing again:

1. Cut one section apart at a time.
2. Correctly sequence the sentences and glue them onto paper.
3. Continue doing each section until you are finished.
First paragraph:

I strongly support silent reading time in classes!

Furthermore, it lets students explore their own interests.

To begin with, it increases students’ reading skills.

In addition, it gives students time to relax.

Silent reading is an important part of the day in middle schools.

Second paragraph:

Teachers find that good readers generally spend at least an hour a day reading.

To begin with, silent reading increases students’ reading skills.

After all, reading is important as exercise in life nowadays; the better our skills, the brighter our future.

Even though students read at home, every minute reading books at school helps improve their skills even more.

Educators know that reading skills only improve if lots of time is spent actually reading.

Third paragraph:

Much of the school day is spent covering topics specified by the Ministry of Education in Victoria.

Silent reading time is a relief sometimes because we can finally read about topics that we get to choose for ourselves.

Furthermore, silent reading time lets students explore their own interests.

Our own interests are rarely accomodated in school.

Our teacher is told that we have to learn about algebra and electricity and governments of the world.

So, our lessons are about circumference and circuits and capitalism.

At last we get to do what teachers hope we will do for the rest of our lives: read for pleasure.


Fourth paragraph:

We are given endless instructions: pick up your pencil, put down your pencil, look here, look there, listen up, talk to your partner, write faster, hand in your paper.

That’s just the way school is, and we don’t complain.

In addition, silent reading lets us relax.

But silent reading time lets at last sit back and breathe, sit back and read a book and think at our own pace.

For much of the day, we rush, rush, rush through lessons.

The directions go on and on.


Fifth paragraph:

I am firmly in favour of silent reading period in middle schools.

To sum up, silent reading time is a valuable use of time in middle schools.

It gives students a way to relax.

It lets students explore their own interests.

It increases students’ reading skills.

[Tip for teachers: you might like to use the first essay as a lesson, during which students may work in pairs, and the second one as a quiz. Answer keys are available in the library.]

[This page may be copied for use with students if the following credit is provided: ©2009 Sophie Rosen.]

Here’s another essay to be sequenced:


1. Cut out the strips for the first paragraph.
2. Logically sequence them and glue them onto paper.
3. Repeat for the remaining paragraphs.

Paragraph One

First of all, you have already been taught everything you need to know.

Lastly, I have confidence in you.

In addition, you have the ability to think clearly.

You can do an excellent job on the upcoming essay exam.

You are clearly ready to write your own essay!


Paragraph Two

First of all, remember that you have already been taught everything you need to know.

You have known for years that sentences start with capitals and end with periods.

Many things you learned in earlier grades.

You have known for years that paragraphs start with topic sentences.

You have known for years how to use a dictionary and a thesaurus.

I have carefully taught you how to set up an essay.

I have even carefully marked each practice essay so you could see where you needed to improve.

I have let you practice writing one many times.

Many things I have taught you this year.

You clearly have all the knowledge you need for success.


Paragraph Three

You have years of practice in arguing for things you want.

In addition, you do not need to feel stressed because you have the ability to think clearly.

Furthermore, you are now at an age where you often seem to be very interested in arguing.

This year, I have often heard you give your opinions on various topics from why you should be able to work in the hallway to why you should be able to have an extension on an assignment.

Take the time to think clearly and organize your thoughts on paper before you begin, and you will do well!

Remember that writing a persuasive essay is just arguing in an organized way on paper.


Paragraph Four

I have great respect for your intelligence and ability to find reasons for your opinions.

You also have a positive attitude towards education and the ability to do work of excellent quality.

Furthermore, I know you have had enough experiences in life that you can find examples to support your ideas.

You know that I will appreciate your efforts and be proud of the results of your hard work.

You are a marvellous person, and I am very pleased with all you have already accomplished this year.

Lastly, I have confidence in you.


Paragraph Five

First of all, remember you have already been taught everything you need to know.

Lastly, remember I have confidence in you.

In addition, remember that you have the ability to think clearly.

You are going to do extraordinarily well on the upcoming essay exam.

You are definitely up to the challenge of writing an essay!

[This page may be copied for use with students if the following credit is provided: ©2009 Sophie Rosen.]

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