

(Note: the links will take you away from Ms.RosenReads. While I recommend the sites as I saw them, MsRosenReads cannot be responsible for the continued content or continued availability of other sites. If you encounter a problem, please contact me.)

Step One: Watch a video Symmetry and Transformations.

Step Two: Learn some vocabulary words.

1. congruent = the same or equal

2. dilation = getting bigger or smaller 

3. isometric transformation = moving a shape in space but keeping the same shape

4. reflection = flip

5. rotation = think of the hands on an analog clock

6. symmetrical = two equal parts that face each other 

7. translation = slide 

8. vertex and vertices = a point or points on a shape (think of the tips of a star)

9. x axis = the horizontal line on a graph

10. y axis = the vertical line on a graph

Step Three: Practice what you have learned.

Level 3:  3.1   3.2   3.3

Level 4:  4.1   4.2   4.3

Level 5:  5.1   5.2   5.3   5.4   5.5   5.6

Level 6:   6.1   6.2   6.3   6.4   6.5   6.6  6.7

Level 7:   7.1   7.2   7.3    7.4    7.5    7.6     7.7

Step Four: Create an art project that shows mathematical transformations.


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