A. Give your teacher your bibliography that cites your sources of information before you begin to speak. (Click HERE to find a citation builder. User name = waf34 Password = pass34)
B. Ask a few rhetorical questions and greet your audience.
E.g. “Did you know…?”
Use parallel structure.
C. State your topic and add a few key details.
Who is the person? What the time period? Why is the person significant in history?
D. Explain the background.
Where did the person live? What was childhood and early adulthood like?
E. Explain the character traits that led to success. (E.g. courage, determination, perseverance)
F. Describe the accomplishments and the process leading to them.
G. Make connections to today.
What difference do those accomplishments make to the world today?
H. Ask a few rhetorical questions to motivate your audience to also achieve great things in life.
I. Identify with your audience as you close your speech.
Use the pronoun ‘we’ somewhere in the last few sentences.
Click HERE to read a speech about J.K. Rowling.